There has never been a greater focus on health than today. Even the most carefree of us, have started taking our health and immunity seriously. Covid-19 has really forced us to face our mortality. No one likes thinking about it. About death or hospitalization. It’s morbid. Elders believe that even thinking about it invites ill health in the house. But, like it or not, the disease has come knocking on everyone’s door.
In this scenario, it’s better safe than sorry. While working on one’s immunity is paramount, we can’t run away from the fact that we or our near ones may be facing hospitalization soon. Keeping this in mind, it would be a good time to sign up for a comprehensive health insurance policy.
What to look for in an health insurance policy:
- Cashless hospitalization facility in the top hospitals in your city.
- Ensure that it covers your one top requirement. This can be pre existing illness, childbirth, critical illnesses like cancer or treatment abroad.
- General rule of thumb is to go for a minimum coverage that is at least six times of your salary.
- Make sure that the plan’s waiting period, co-payment terms and exclusions terms are to your liking.
- Look for benefits that enhance your sum insured – like the no claim bonus clause.
In this regard, I find that Arogya Sanjeevani Policy from Royal Sundaram General Insurance comprehensive.
What is Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Plan
Arogya Sanjeevani is a new policy by the IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India), made available from 1st April 2020 in the wake of the covid pandemic. To avoid confusion among different options, the IRDAI has brought uniformity in health insurance plans. If you don’t have any health insurance, then this plan is a good option which you can immediately opt for.
Besides offering a basic health insurance coverage of between Rs. 1 Lakh and Rs. 5 Lakhs, this policy also covers the medical expenses due to hospitalization, and other treatment costs of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
Who can be covered under the Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Plan?
You can buy the policy for yourself or the following family members
- Spouse.
- Parents and parents-in-law.
- Children between the age of 3 months to 25 years.
What are the sum insured options?
You have the option to choose from a wide range of sum insured from the following denominations:
- Rs. 1lakh
- Rs. 1.5lakhs
- Rs. 2 lakhs
- Rs. 2.5 lakhs
- Rs. 3 lakhs
- Rs. 3.5 lakhs
- Rs. 4 lakhs
- Rs. 4.5 lakhs
- Rs. 5 lakhs
Why should I opt for this policy?
The main benefits of the Arogya Health Plan are:
- Covers treatment of COVID-19
- Ayush and Alternative Wellness Treatment is also covered
- Pre-Hospitalization and Post Hospitalization expenses are also covered.
- Cashless facility at major hospitals in your city.
- Modern Treatments
- No Claim Bonus and Cumulative Bonus Clauses
- Covers Ambulance charges
- Also covers vaccinations in case of animal bites
Great, right? What more do you want!? 🙂
Given that the pandemic is here to stay for another year at least, it would be prudent to get a health insurance plan just in case. Fingers crossed! Do you have any health insurance cover? If yes, which plan? Share below!!